About Wen
From a very young age travel and yoga have been part of my life. As a child I lived in The Netherlands, Australia and India. All countries contributed to the way I live my life now and have taught me many different ways of looking at the world.
I first came in contact with Transcendental Meditation (™) at the age of 15 while living in Mumbai. This seed was quietly planted and started to grow. In the years to come yoga became part of my being.
In 1995 I started expanding my training with ‘Raja Yoga’, which is the understanding of the classical Indian yoga philosophy by Patanjali more than 2000 years ago.
Besides this beautiful base; ‘Raja Yoga’, I also started teaching Hormone Yoga and Critical Alignment Yoga (CAY). See the explanation of these yoga forms below.
In 2005 I co-founded and run a yoga school in the Netherlands ‘Samyama’ for many years, which is still active today. In 2015 I opened another yoga studio called ‘Yoga in Laren’.

Online Yoga Sessions
After many years of teaching in The Netherlands and Belgium I decided it’s time for a journey so I left my hometown in October 2018 with a camper, my dog Zyra and yoga props to travel through Europe.
Because of the transformative and often life changing nature of the lessons I have made a specific basic online package of 10 Critical Alignment Yoga sessions available. The sessions are powerful but gentle full of spirit and alignment and above all healing.
Click here for the CAY Package
Raja Yoga
Raja Yoga is one of the oldest and most complete forms of yoga.
‘The Sutra’s of Patanjali’, the Yoga Bible, describes the eight steps towards Yoga, Meditation; Self Realization.
- the yamas and niyamas are about an ethical life style
- asanas are physical practices and are considered to be a preparation for meditation
- Pranayama are breath and energy practices
- Pratyahara: to withdraw the senses and the attention within towards
- Dharana: Concentration,
- Dhyana: Meditation
- Samadhi: Contemplation, Higher Meditation
Critical Alignment Yoga
Critical Alignment Yoga was developed by Gert van Leeuwen more than 30 years ago and focuses on the deepest level in the body; the skeleton.
The technique of Critical Alignment Yoga is unique, in that the exercises are approached with relaxation instead of effort. Using specialized props, your spine is placed in a more natural alignment, and then you are encouraged to relax fully and deeply. First the superficial movement muscles, where most of the tension from repetitive strain or poor posture is stored, are relaxed by using the weight of the body on the props. With deep and conscious breath, you can work through the strong sensations and start to add small movements which help stimulate the deeper postural and stability muscles, closer to the bones. You become more familiar with your body, finding exactly where the tension, stiffness and poor alignment is located. This awareness can then transfer into your daily life and activities.
Click here for the CAY Package
Teaser Critical Alignment yoga